Thursday, May 24, 2012

23 Club

Today I am proud to welcome Alex to the 23 club.  It's a pretty solid group with exclusive membership and all I can say is we're excited to have him.  Unfortunately my membership expires soon so he'll have to quickly learn the ropes and step up to the plate to take over as president.

It was a fun day, starting off with birthday breakfast on University Ave.  Afterwards I dropped the boys (Cale was with us) off on campus and drove to work.  Luckily I planned ahead and worked extra hours earlier in the week so I was able to go in a little bit later today.  As I was driving I formulated a plan in my head that would allow me to have the afternoon to celebrate, and it worked!  I picked the boys back up and we ended up (after a lot of debate and plan-changing) at Shoreline for a mid-afternoon showing of Dark Shadows.  It was pretty good...a little weird at first, but definitely came together at the end.  After that it was a side-trip to Best Buy and then back to Alex's house where he opened some presents (gotta love gifts!!), we played games (Phase 10), got dinner, and watched TV.  Overall it was a great afternoon and hopefully special for Alex.

Because it only comes once a year, I'll say it again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEX!  Already can't wait 365 more days; I better get going on talking to Sandra Bullock so you can meet her on your golden birthday :)

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