Sunday, December 11, 2011

Close Call

Well, let's just say this weekend didn't really go as planned.  I was supposed to receive all my marks by Friday at 5pm.  5pm came and went, and I was still missing my mark for Anatomy.  Around 7pm, I got an email from the graduations committee informing me that I was not eligible to graduate because I had not completed the requirements of my degree.  Not only did that completely stress me out, but add that to the fact that the school offices were closed for the weekend and I was a complete mess.  I couldn't believe that I wouldn't be allowed to attend my graduation ceremony after all I'd done this year.  I sat on the thought all weekend and channeled my anger into some not-so-nice emails to my course coordinator, the professors, and the engineering department.  This morning I woke up and met the aides at the engineering student centre when it opened at 9am.  They took note of my situation and said they would contact me as developments were made.  I waited around campus, hoping for a positive email of some sort, but nothing came.  After coming home to talk to the '10s, I went back to campus to get things settled once and for all.  While I still can't see my mark online, I was told that it has been entered and cleared with the department and I have once again been invited to attend the graduation ceremony on Friday.  I am so relieved to officially be graduating and I am really glad that my parents aren't coming all this way for nothing.  Speaking of which, they will be here in about 66 hours...I can't believe it's finally here after all this time.  I have a couple of last minute things to attend to now that I can shift my focus away from school.  Time to kick it into high gear...I'm so excited!!

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