Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nepal Send-Off

After going back and forth for ever and ever T has made a decision and that means she's moving out and headed to Nepal tomorrow evening!!  She'll be gone for over a month and when she comes back she'll be getting ready for podiatry school up in Oakland so she will no longer be living here in Menlo Park (sadddd).  Last night a few of us went out together to celebrate and this afternoon we had a send-off of sorts at the park near our house.  It was a very laid back affair where we talked, ate some snacks, played a few lawn games, and enjoyed being together.  The weather was great so we all soaked up some rays in the process.  It is going to be sad to see her go, but I know she'll do great things with the kids over in Nepal and won't be all that far away upon her return.  Good luck, T!!

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