Monday, August 29, 2011

Busy Bee

Wow, I don't think I've been this bad at posting since I got here.  This past week has been CRAZY and just full of work and a little bit of fun on the side.  After dinner last Tuesday, I came home to find that the peer review assessments for the first tissue engineering paper had been passed back.  I read through them quickly before deciding I was too full and sleepy to really get any work done.  The comments were positive for the most part, and the criticism was about things I already knew/intended to fix, so I was content.  The rest of the week was dedicated to fixing it up and getting it ready for submission on Friday.  I had some help from my favorite editors and I really feel like I submitted a winner.  I guess now all I can do is wait and see what the professor thinks.  After all, it really is only her opinion that matters.

I turned in an electronic copy of my paper on Thursday night, and quickly changed into my pajamas and was getting ready for a good night sleep when I got a call from someone I met in Canberra.  He was supposed to come down to Melbourne over the weekend for his birthday, but somehow ended up here early and tricked me into coming out to meet him.  Because I thought he was only going to be here for the night, I reluctantly got out of my pajamas and trudged downtown to meet him and another one of my friends.  I later learned that he will in fact be here until the end of the year...I should have known he was just yanking my chain.  Anyway, it was an adventure filled night to say the least, with a $500 bottle of champagne, a trip to an executive suite of the Hilton downtown, and some really good room service delivered at 1:00am.  Let's just say this kid has a rich brother-in-law who treated the three of us to some luxury.  I found myself walking home really early Friday morning because I didn't want to crash at the hotel; I decided to leave that to the two boys.

On Saturday the outings continued.  My recently arrived friend had a birthday so we got a group of people together and went around town.  It was fun and definitely more laid-back than the previous venture (good for me).  I discovered parts of Melbourne I hadn't seen before, which was really nice.  Overall it was a successful evening and I enjoyed the people I was with.

Yesterday I got up early and went for a run before getting to class to take my last mid-semester test EVER.  It's hard to believe, but I'm really glad it's over and done.  I had to write an essay on the electrical modelling of hemodynamics (say that five times fast) and it was a bit of a struggle.  Clinical engineering isn't really my favorite class, mostly because I despise the professor.  Only six more weeks with him, however, so I think I'll manage (though it might be just slightly painful).

Woohoo, what an update.  I'm going to get started on my second tissue engineering paper (another 4,000-word monster, but this time on cell migration) and try to get a leg up on my biomaterials term assessment as well.  Two and a half weeks left until break.  My brain is desperately in need, even though part of me feels like we just got going again.  Time flies when you're  :)

Oh yes, one last thing.  I wanted to add a few items to the list I was creating before regarding things I'm looking forward to/want when I get home:
6.  Ike's Place Sandwiches:  Located in the new engineering buildings (of course, the engineers should get the best food), Ike's has the most creative and palette pleasing sandwiches.  A little expensive, but definitely worth both the money and the wait (the line is typically out the door).
7.  Rojo's Wraps:  A SWG favorite.  Used to be located across the street from campus but was forced to move across town.  Still worth the drive...mmmmm, I can taste a Chinese Chicken Salad wrap right now  :)
8.  Cheese House/JJ&F's:  Back to the sandwiches.  Both of these places make large, yummy sandwiches to order.  JJ&F's is kind of a weekend/pre-meet tradition for me and Alex.  Turkey, cheese, avocado, Dutch Crunch bread...ahhhh.
9.  Pluto's:  I can't believe I forgot this in the initial list.  Though I hear that Sprouts (competitor, located just down the road) may be the new fan favorite, I LOVE Pluto's and could eat their salads for lunch and dinner every day of the week.
10.  Driving:  Pretty sure this is the first non-food related item on the list, but I miss driving so much.  I have to say that walking everywhere has been great as well, but I am a sucker for the car.  Since I've had my license I've hardly gone two days without getting behind the wheel, and at this point it's been seven months!!  I feel like whoever is the lucky one who gets to be the first to drive with me is going to have to be really patient because I'm a) probably going to get in on the wrong side of the car at first, and b) definitely going to be nervous.

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