I'm in a little bit of a dry spell at the moment, at least when it comes to interesting things to write about. I've been a great student for the past week or so, studying throughout most of my days. I take breaks to go to the gym, and at night I take my time eating dinner and sometimes even watch a little TV. However, and rather unfortunately, there is a lot to do in not a lot of time.
I successfully completed my first exam on Monday and then turned in my final paper yesterday. That means two of my classes are officially over, with two to go. It's December 10th, so only 13 more days until I'm done! So now I've put away all of my Anatomy notes and have pulled out a very large stack of Tissue Engineering ones. I've chosen to go through all the notes and basically re-write them, trying to capture only the most important things. Writing really helps to cement facts into my brain, but after 45 pages for Anatomy and 32 pages so far for TE, my hand/arm is getting tired and my neck hurts (curse of being left-handed). I'm through seven of twelve TE topics, so at least I'm over half way...I should be done by Saturday. Hopefully that's enough time for my hand to recuperate before the three-hour exam Monday morning.

The only semi-exciting thing going on is the major storm (I like to refer to it as a monsoon) passing through our state. Last night was CRAZY...it was a storm like I've never seen before. It stayed warm, but there were sheets of rain/hail stones the size of golf balls (literally) and an amazing light show put on by the weather gods (accompanied by the rumble of the thunder). The lightening was so bright it almost seemed to flash in color. Anyway, Victoria's weather never ceases to amaze me. It's projected to clear up from here, but I've heard that a few times before and we've yet to have a long stint of nice weather, so I'm going to continue to carry my umbrella around with me for the time being.
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