Sunday, September 4, 2011

Malaysian Lunch

My roommates and I set out on another food adventure yesterday.  Our intention was to eat at a Mexican restaurant, but their website led us astray and they weren't actually open for lunch after all.  So instead we found ourselves at a Malaysian restaurant in Chinatown.  One of my roommates recommended it and when we got there, he ordered for us.  We got three dishes to share, and they were all very yummy:  tofu, noodles, and curry chicken.

After lunch we ended up walking around downtown for awhile, which was good in helping aid the digestion process.  There's always stuff to see and things going on downtown, so there's never a dull moment.

When we got home, it was mid-afternoon and I got to baking a carrot cake.  I was anticipating having one of my friends over for dinner and I thought it would be nice to have something sweet in addition to the meal.  Not only did it turn out well, but it also made the apartment smell good.  Dinner was nice and afterwards we watched a movie.  A very good, relaxing Saturday evening.

Today I tried to get some work done on my cell migration paper, but I mostly ended up reading.  I finished The Simple Truth and will now have to move onto the John Grisham book I have.  Before I get wrapped up in that I should probably get through this week of school (only two more until a short break...thank goodness!).  Tomorrow I'll be heading to the hospital so that we can complete a lab for Clinical Engineering; we'll be taking each others' EKGs, so it should be interesting!

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