Friday, February 25, 2011


One down, one to go.  I finally have internet set up in my room.  That means I now have the capability to use Skype, which is awesome because while talking to people online has been great, it's definitely not the same as being able to see their faces.  Before this I have been doing all my online stuff in one of the libraries.  The nice thing about having to do that is that I have discovered a place where I think I'll really like to study.  This library is about 3 minutes from my room and has wifi and lots of study-friendly spaces.  The only downside is that Skype isn't supported on the university's internet network, which is why I felt the need to get an outside connection going in my room.

I mentioned that I still have "one to go."  Getting a phone set up has proven to be very difficult, and I thought that I had all of my problems solved today, only to find out that AT&T has locked my SIM card.  That means that there are going to be a couple more hurdles that I have to jump through to finally get a phone up and running.  Hopefully I'll have it soon though.  My goal is by the middle of next week.

Besides logistics, I have been keeping myself pretty busy.  Yesterday I decided that I wanted to go on a run, and I did so, but not without getting completely lost.  I was planning on doing an "around the block" kind of thing, but apparently I missed a turn somewhere.  However everything turned out just fine; I had the chance to explore places that I probably wouldn't have stumbled upon otherwise.  I spent the majority of my time in a place called Royal Park, and next time I go there I definitely want to have my camera on hand.

I am getting pretty comfortable with walking to downtown and finding places there.  I was just down there about an hour ago and there is a lot going on.  I really like the atmosphere and hope that I won't be too busy to spend time there once school starts.  Speaking of school, my first class is on Monday, and I am very, very nervous.  I just hope that I'll be able to handle whatever they throw at me, especially because I don't have my partner in crime with me in class anymore.  Hopefully I'll be able to find someone to study/suffer with me, otherwise this is going to be a very long 10 months.

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