Thursday, July 14, 2011


I woke up and wasn't sore, so as I promised myself I got moving and went back up Castle Hill.  I went the opposite way this time, walking/running/shuffling my way up the paved road and heading down the gravel stairs.  I was very cautious going down and every step was meticulously calculated.  I brought along my camera this time and got some pictures of the view.  I could see all the way to Magnetic Island as well as the entire city of Townsville.

 After I got back I showered and had lunch before embarking on a journey to The Strand, which is the boardwalk lining the water.  However it was not at all what I was expecting and found myself growing quite bored, so I turned around and went back to the hostel for a nap (which was completely awesome).  My conclusion is that besides the hill, this town doesn't really have much to offer.  I am off to Cairns in a couple of hours for the remainder of my trip and am really excited.  This also means my last bus ride, woohoo!

I feel like I should also mention that for the past two nights I've eaten kangaroo for dinner.  I picked up some fillets at the store and decided to give it a go.  It turned out really well and I liked it a lot!  And no, it doesn't taste like chicken  :)

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